CARMATECH ENGINEERING INC. (CEI) was started in 2010 with the development of
the SAR-12 platform. With the assistance and support of fellow paintball
players to help move development forward, CEI finalized the design and began
mould manufacturing for the SAR-12 platform in late 2012. Many of these initial
supporters are still involved in the Beta Testing Team today.
Once released to market, we seaked to protect the SAR-12 design and utility,
and was granted United
States patent protection for our air rifle
late in 2014. In addition to the patent being awarded, 2014 was the year of
release for the SAR-12C. Much of the SAR-12C was CEI reacting to player and
consumer requests for the same accuracy and range; however, in a more compact
robust package. Transitioning from polyurethane cast parts to injection moulded
nylon 6-30% glass parts, aided in regidity, strength and thermal stability.
2016 was the year of SUPREMACY! Anyone that shoots shaped paintball rounds
(SPR), knows that the inherent trajectory adds complexity to being a reliable
shooter. Up until the release of the Supremacy optics system, players had to
either use optics designed for crossbows or rifle scopes designed with
limitations for the exaggerated parabolic trajectory of SPR's. Even to this day
Mil-dot and Mrad-dot optics have a place; however the speed at which paintball
is played limits the usage of such precision equipment. Supremacy was a rather
complex undertaking that involved a deep dive into ballistics, physics, and mathematics.
It was the perfect project for engineers and nerds.
NEMESIS: noun, the inescapable agent of someone's or something's downfall.
During development of these barrels, we knew the revolutionary power they would
bring to the players that used them. In-fact, the design was so advanced that
we were awarded a United States Utility Patent, March of 2022.
Late 2020 was the official release of the G2 semi auto. This semi auto was a complete rebuild and redesign for the SAR SASS (Semi Auto Sar Sniper). The original semi auto valve lacking in many areas. The G2 was designed to increase efficiency, accuracy and shot-to-shot repeatability. Because we focus on range and accuracy, we also opted to design a valve that operated as a closed bolt. This type of operation allows for the projectile to only be engaged by air pressure during the firing stage, unlike the open bolt design used in all other magfed markers.
CEI's core principal is to develop technology that pushes the boundary
forward. To this point it's been about increasing range, accuracy,
repeatability and reliability. Our focus is on delivering an experience and
excitement. CEI's marketing is 100% through peer-to-peer interaction. This
style of marketing, especially in a cottage industry full of educated
consumers, requires ecstatic vocal customers. Since 2012, our focus has been
the customer, just as it will be looking forward.

In accordance with United States Code, 35 U.S.C 287(a) ,this page is intended to serve as notice.